Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

.... reshaping and lifting your breasts.


Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

As we age, after pregnancy, or after weight loss, breasts may become loose and begin to sag, losing their youthful contour, firmness, and fullness. By tightening the skin around the breast and by lifting the nipple to a higher more youthful position, plastic surgery can help improve the appearance of your breasts. Either augmentation or breast reduction can be done at the same time, and uneven breasts can be made symmetrical with this surgery.

"With age, after pregnancy, or with weight loss, breasts may become loose and sag, losing their youthful contour, firmness, and fullness. By tightening the skin and breast tissue and by lifting the nipple to a higher, more youthful position, plastic surgery can help improve the appearance of your breasts."   - Dr. Anna



How is the surgery done?

Breast lift surgery (also known as “mastopexy”) is usually done under a general anesthetic as an outpatient procedure. The surgery typically lasts 2 1/2 hours, and is undertaken by Dr. Anna at the Virginia Ambulatory Surgery Center.

There are different surgical techniques for lifting the breasts and tightening the skin. Most techniques will leave a scar around the nipple and areola (the dark skin around the nipple). In addition, there may be a vertical scar below the areola and one in the crease under the breast.

If breasts have lost volume because of weight loss or after pregnancy, breast implants can be placed at the same time as the mastopexy. Similarly, the breasts can be made smaller, or be made equal if there is a size discrepancy before surgery.

What to expect after surgery…

After the surgery, prescription medications are given for control of mild to moderate pain.  Most patients are able to return to work after 3 to 4 days. Strenuous and full activities are usually permitted after 3 weeks.

What are the possible complications?

All surgery runs the risk of bleeding, infection and scarring. There is little blood loss with this surgery and infection is rare in patients who are healthy and who do not smoke. It is important to review and understand all of the possible complications with your plastic surgeon.  Although all scars are permanent, over a period of 6 to 12 months they will fade, becoming white, flat and smooth.

Occasionally, surgery on the breast will cause the nipple to lose sensation temporarily or permanently. With mastopexy, this complication, fortunately, is very rare. Breast feeding is also usually possible after a breast lift.  Although the results are rewarding and generally long-lasting, occasionally breasts may sag again, especially if they are large or heavy. If so desired, the breast lift can always be repeated, some years later.

Detailed information about a breast lift can be obtained from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, as well as the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.